Porsche Bristol demo

A Bittersweet Moment

A Bittersweet Moment I don’t usually consider myself an overly emotional person—after all, I’m a man, so perhaps that’s to be expected. But today, as I walked around a familiar site, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of both sadness and excitement. Nearly 20 years ago to the day, we handed… Read More


Car Dealership Architecture

Elevating Car Dealership Design for Client Success

Task Management

Task Management: How Do You Keep on Top of Multiple Projects?

Pier Architecture hand drawing line with pen

Just Make a Start

Overcoming the Paralysis of Starting Starting is the hardest part of any endeavor. We all know the feeling—standing at the edge of a new project, staring at that blank page, wondering how on earth we’re supposed to transform it into something meaningful. The sheer scope of “everything” that needs to be… Read More

Per Architecture question mark

No Such Thing as a Stupid Question

No Such Thing as a Stupid Question: Why You Should Always Speak Up     We’ve all been there: sitting in a meeting, listening to a presentation, or having a discussion, and suddenly a question pops into your head…. Read More

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